Investment and Bespoke Portfolio Planning

Our portfolios are bespoke and are built on a step-by-step basis using Morningstar asset allocation parameters. We avoid using model portfolios as a default option because we feel model portfolios do not
match with our philosophy of tailoring our service to meet our clients’ needs rather than the other way around.
In addition to our professional subscription to Morningstar other investment research reference points include the following:-
- FE Analytics subscription
- FT Subscription
- Moneyweek, Investors Chronicle and the Economist
- We have Bloomberg television on throughout the working day
Our recommendations are not based on past performance although past performance is assessed. We work on measuring risk and there are many ways to do this. Ideally, we build portfolios that show outperformance in rising markets, do not track the market down at the same rate and have low volatility.
We have the systems to monitor and recommend: Investment Trusts, Exchange Traded Funds, Structured Products and more main stream investments and the processes in place to recommend, where applicable: Seed Enterprise Investments, Venture Capital Trusts and Enterprise Investment Schemes. Our thorough understanding of tax gives us an edge to optimise these devices.
Most importantly we ensure the portfolios we recommend to our clients are mapped accurately to their attitude to risk (ATR). Not all investment
advisers are able to offer this service.
We have a more concise document available that explores our investment process in more detail and is available on request.